Allianz Accident Protect Plus

With effect from 21 April 2023, this plan is further enhanced to give you even greater peace of mind. The enhancements are offered at no additional premiums!
Allianz Accident Protect Plus
Live life to the fullest - knowing that Allianz is behind you for
what’s ahead!
Promotion ends on 31 Mar 2025.
Terms & Conditions apply.
Allianz Accident Protect Plus is further enhanced to cover you more
Before 21 April
From 21 April
Section 1 - Basic Personal Accident Benefits
i. 20% without the presence of evidence of Traumatic Injury; or
ii. 100% with evidence of Traumatic Injury in the form of Radiographic Imaging.
Existing list
- Dengue Fever / Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
- Japanese Viral Encephalitis
- Malaria
- Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease (HFMD)
- Chikungunya Fever
- Zika virus
- Nipah Virus Encephalitis
- Measles
- Rabies
- Mumps
- Rubella
In addition to the existing list:
- Anthrax
- Botulism
- Cholera
- Diptheria
- Ebola
- Legionellosis
- Leptospirosis
- Meningococcal
- Parathyphoid Fever
- Pertussis
- Plague
- Poliomyelitis
- Tetanus
- Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)
- Yellow Fever
Cosmetic or plastic surgery, or any treatment related to previous cosmetic treatment, is not covered.
However, reconstructive surgery is covered if it is done to restore function or appearance after an accident or infectious disease, is medically necessary, and pre approved in writing.
Get protected with Allianz Accident Protect Plus
Medical &
Surgical Expense
Mobility Aids and Home Modification Benefit
15% Discount for Couple/Family Plans
Lump Sum Payment upon diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
Optional Add-ons
Coverage/Benefits Schedule
Silver Plan
Gold Plan
Platinum Plan
Child Plan
Section 1 - Basic Personal Accident Benefits
Section 2 - Hospitalisation Benefits
Section 3 – Weekly Cash Benefits
Section 4 – Optional: Dependent Cover Benefits (per child)
Premium Rate (inclusive of GST)
Monthly Premium (inclusive of GST)
Get protected with Allianz Accident Protect Plus
More about Allianz Accident Protect Plus
Non-manual: Occupations of administrative indoor or outdoor nature or involving light manual work without the use of tools or machinery or anything hazardous (eg. architect, doctor, lawyer, salesperson, homemaker, waiter).
Manual: Occupations involving manual work with the use of tools or machinery or whose work environment is in high altitude or of hazardous nature (eg. baker, driver, mechanic, plumber, veterinarian, security guard).
Excluding when an Insured Person is performing any of the following occupational activities:
- Full time military, air force, navy, police, and civil defence personnel (other than activities that are sedentary desk-bound duties, SG National Service, or reservist training);
- Any professional sportsman, motor car/bike racer, entertainer, stuntman, jockey, woodworking, welding;
- Any air/sea crew;
- Any off-shore Occupations (ship crew, diver, oil-rigger, fisherman);
- Any construction worker; and/or
- Workers engaged in maintenance, cleaning, roofing, or repair activities involving scaffolding or gondolas.
- The Insured Person must be:
a. Holding a valid Singapore identification document such as Singapore NRIC, Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass, Student Pass, Dependent's Pass or other recognised work pass entitling the holder thereof to remain, or enter and remain, in Singapore; and
b. Living or working in Singapore, or away from Singapore for no more than 180 days at any one time; and
i. For an Adult, between 18 and 65 years old (both ages inclusive) on the first effective day of
the Policy, or up to eight (80) years old for renewal policies.
ii. For a Child, between 30 days and 18 years old or 24 years old for those registered as full
time students at an Educational Institution or national serviceman.
- Can I purchase Allianz Accident Protect Plus if I am not a Singaporean?
Yes, you can, as long as you hold a valid Singapore identification document such as a Singapore NRIC, Employment Pass, Work Permit, Long Term Visit Pass, Student Pass, Dependent's Pass or other recognised work pass entitling the holder to remain in Singapore.
- What are the age limits?
You must be between 18 and 65 years old on the first effective date of the Policy, or up to 80 years old for renewal policies. For your children, they must be between 30 days and 18 years old and this can go up to 24 years old if they are registered as full time students at an Educational Institution. - What are the types of Occupation Classes?
The premiums for Allianz Accident Protect Plus are priced according to your current Occupation Class and this is categorised by Non-Manual and Manual Occupation classes.
Non-Manual: Occupations of admistrative indoor or outdoor nature orinvolving light manual work without the use of tools or machinery or anything hazardous (eg. architect, doctor, salesperson, homemaker, waiter)
Manual: Occupations involving manual work with the use of tools or machinery or whose work environment is in high altitude or of hazardous nature (eg. baker, driver, mechanic, plumber, veterinarian, security guard)
Do note that there are some exclusions for when an Insured Person is performing any of the following occupational activities:
a. Full time military, airforce, navy, police and civil defence personnel (other than activities that are sedentary desk-bound duties, SG National Service or reservist training);
b. Any professional sportsman, motor car/bike racer, entertainer, stuntman, jockey, wood working welding;
c. Any air/sea crew;
d. Any off-shore Occupations (ship crew, diver, oil-rigger, fisherman);
e. Any construction worker; and/or
f. Worker engaged in maintenance, cleaning, roofing or repair activities involving scaffolding or gondolas.
For more information and the full list of exclusions, please refer the Policy Wording.
- Can I purchase this policy for my family?
Yes, you can purchase a plicy for your legally married spouse and children. However, parents, parents-in-law and siblings are not permitted. - Am I covered for an accident while overseas?
Yes, provided that you did not reside outside of Singapore for more than 90 consecutive days before the Accident. If you did reside outside of Singapore for more than 90 consecutive days, then only the Deathand Permanent Disability benefits are payable. - Am I required to have a medical examiniation?
No medical examination is required. - If I have more than one Personal Accident Policy with different insurers, can I claim under all policies?
Yes, certain benefits such as death and disablement benefits are claimable under all policies. For any expenses actually incurred such as Medical and Surgical expenses, only the amount that is not recoverable from any other insurance policies will be reimbursed. - Can I cancel the Policy? Will there be any refund of premiums?
Yes, you can cancel the policy at any time by informing Allianz at CustomerService@allianz.com.sg or +65 6222 1919 with your full name, NRIC and policy details. Allianz will refund the premium on a pro-rota basis. - Are there Exclusions in the Policy?
Yes, exclusions include pre-existing conditions, certain occupational activities and childbirth/pregnancy. For more information and the full list of exclusions, please refer the Policy Wording. - Will the premium increase with age?
No, the premiums for Allianz Accident Protect Plus will not increase with age. - How do I make a claim?
You can contact the Claims Department at CustomerService@allianz.com.sg or +65 6222 1919 as soon as possible and complete a Claim form to assist the claim process. Written proof of the accident such as police report, invoices and all supporting documents must be furnished as proof of claim.
- Allianz Accident Protect Plus Policy is underwritten by Allianz Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Allianz).
- We may use internet technologies to track your use of this website and information filled in by you whether submitted or not, to enable us to follow up and assist you with your application of our product(s). Alternatively, speak with us directly at +65 6222 1919.
- The above information is for reference only. If you are unsure if this product is suitable for you, we strongly encourage you to speak to a qualified insurance adviser. Otherwise, you may end up buying a plan that does not
- The Policy may contain terms and conditions which are not detailed above. Should there be any discrepancy between the information contained in the above and the terms of the Policy, the terms of the Policy shall prevail. For exact terms and conditions and details of the exclusions, please refer to the Policy Wording or contact Allianz at +65 6222 1919.
- Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered by this plan. Allianz strongly recommends that you read the full list of exclusions and all terms and conditions when you receive your policy contract.
- Allianz reserves the right to terminate coverage at any time by giving thirty days' notice in writing to the Insured Person at his last known address, and the premium thereon shall be adjusted on the basis of Allianz receiving or retaining pro-rata premium.
- Premium rates are not guaranteed and may be increased or varied by Allianz:
i. when a material change in risk occurs or
ii. when there is a general rate increase affecting all policyholders reflecting Allianz's actual or anticipated results in this class of business. - Only Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement benefits will be payable should the Insured Person reside outside of Singapore for more than ninety (90) consecutive days.
- It is noted and agreed that subject to the terms and conditions and payment of premium, this Policy shall be renewed upon expiry until a notice of cancellation has been received.
- All information provided by you in connection with this application is true, accurate, and complete, You understand that any inaccurate, incomplete, or false information given or any omission of information required, may at Allianz's discretion, render this application or the Policy issued thereafter as invalid.
- You give consent to Allianz and its affiliates, third-party service providers, related entities, and business partners as well as their and its respective representatives and/or agents, may collect, use and disclose personal data related to you and other individuals provided by you for purposes including but not limited to underwriting, processing and administering any policy and/or claim, due diligence, renewals, audit, compliance, data storage, and providing general information about our products and services, and general communication with you, digitally or otherwise.
- Please refer to Your Guide to Health Insurance for more information. You may also visit the GIA websitewww.gia.org.sg for a copy of the booklet.
- This Policy is protected under the Policy Owners' Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact the Company or visit the GIA or SDIC websites (www.gia.org.sg or www.sdic.org.sg ).
- This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
- Information is accurate as at Nov 2023.